Monday, January 3, 2011

My new goal...Family Home Evening!

Well the whole crafting thing has not been going to well...and I have been so sad.  I realized crafting is what keeps me sane as a Mommy.  It is so hard to find a balance, before my daughter, Klancee, used to take a nap which translated into CRAFT TIME FOR MOMMY....those days apparently have come and gone no matter how much I fight for them back she is just as stubborn as I am!!  I am going to try to find things Klancee and I can do together.

My first project is a FAMILY HOME EVENING kit or box or whatever it ends up being.   Klancee is now 2 and we had our first Family Home Evening tonight.  It only lasted for 10 minutes but I would say it was a success.   Obviously since it was only 10 minutes it was super simple, we had a prayer, read the story Pudgy the Polite Pig, that I found at Oopsey Daisy, it was so so cute and Klancee loved it, we sang a song, and had brownies and ice cream.  SUPER SUPER EASY but it was so fun and Klancee loved it.  As you can see!!  I decided to use a magnet board instead of a flannel board...mainly because I had the magnet board downstairs.  I hope to start getting things laminated and then putting magnets on back of them.  But that will have to wait for now!!

My biggest challenge so far has been to find lessons that a 2 year old can actually sit through and so my quest begins.  I will post new ideas as I find them and you can create one too!  If anyone has any other ideas or links to share please post them or send me an email.


1 comment:

  1. I have found some of the best FHE lessons out of the primary manuals and the Primary Partners. Just get the one for the nursery age children or Sunbeams and that should give you a pretty good head start for the year! My sister actually took her whole Primary Partners series to the copy store and copied EVERYthing in it. As they were printing, she filed them all into catergories. It worked out perfect!! :)
